Monday, April 26, 2010

Big Brother

Elisha is a little under the weather and took a very long nap. This left Micah and Hosanna to play alone.  Hosanna sure is loved by her big brother!
Bonus: Nana stopped by and gave them new sunglasses. Hosanna made no effort to take them off.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

6 month Milestones

March 6th - first tooth
March 11th - Hosanna turns 6 months old.
March 12th-13th - figures out how to crawl
March 15th - second tooth
March 22nd - pulls to standing in her crib
March 24th - pulls to standing on a box in the family room, transfers to a different container and then lets go, standing on her own for about 2 seconds
Slow down, little baby Hosanna. You don't have to figure it all out this month!

Monday, April 5, 2010


This last one is Hosanna hanging out with our buddy Mr. Eric.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Day

It was a day perfect for swinging in the back yard. Yippee for spring weather and bubbles!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bath Chair

Bye bye baby bath tub - hello little tub chair. Bye bye baby bath towels - hello big girl towel. The theme of this month for Hosanna: just like Micah and Elisha.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rice Cereal

We always try to make it to 6 months on just breast milk, but have yet to be successful. So, rice cereal at 5 1/2 months it is. Hosanna doesn't seem to mind, in fact, I think she likes it!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Month Firsts

Within a week of turning 5 months old, Hosanna decided to be a big girl. She is sitting up unassisted, wiggling her way to new destinations on the floor (like Elisha's potty), and sitting in the high chair, the stroller and the baby swings at the park. Take a look!

Micah and Elisha were wanting to paint. So they sat at the table. I put Hosanna in the high chair and she started squealing. She knew she was going to be right in the middle of the action and was so pleased!

Being in the stroller right by the swings at the park was not good enough. Hosanna started fussing. I asked her if she wanted to swing, too, and she smiled knowingly. (I thought I was crazy, too, believe me!) When I put her in the swing, she was happy, happy, happy. Five months is way too early to want to do what everyone else is doing - way too early!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Party Girl

Saturday, March 6th was quite the party day. Hosanna got all dressed up! The Mooney girls went to a Teddy Bear Tea with Nana. Later that day, our family went to Beth's 16th surprise birthday party. Hosanna enjoyed the live band, all the people and the center pieces made out of red, sparkly shredded stuff. What a fun, action-packed day for a four month old!

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hosanna is pretty sick with bronchiolitis (baby bronchitis) and an ear infection. She's adjusted well to the nebulizer machine. At first she screamed and wiggled, but now she contentedly drifts off to sleep. Today I am thankful for modern medicine.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 months old

It was a sunny February day. Now that Hosanna can roll over both front to back and back to front and her belly is doing much better, it was a perfect photo op. She stopped taking her reflux medicine a week ago and is doing fine - praise the Lord!

more 3 month moments

Sometimes when there's work to be done at the desk, Hosanna helps Mommy by sitting close by - um . . . on the desk right in the middle of everything so as not to miss anything.

Hosanna can hold her own chew toys now, which is very helpful.

Micah likes to share his Piglet and Lizzie with Hosanna and puts one on each side of her head, just like he likes to cuddle them. Now to convince him not to do so when she has already fallen fast asleep. . .

Hosanna is starting to show a preference for her Piglet, especially his ears, just like Micah and Elisha. There's just something about that Piglet's ears.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wake up, Sleeping Beauty

Just as I grabbed the camera to capture the silly moment - the security blanket on her head - Hosanna began waking up all smiles.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

3 months

Hosanna turned 3 months old on January 11, 2010. She is growing up so fast. She's sleeping well at night, at least 6 hours in a row, sometimes 7 or 8.

Hosanna took her first plane trip to Montana on January 14th to visit Mommy's friend Laura Beth for the weekend (thanks to flight miles and birthday money). We flew from Atlanta to Salt Lake City to Great Falls. We had a very uneventful, relaxing weekend with mild weather. Hosanna seemed to get bored and miss her siblings, so Laura Beth's kids helped entertain her from time to time. She traveled very well and Mommy had fun getting lots of alone time with just her baby girl.