Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hosanna is pretty sick with bronchiolitis (baby bronchitis) and an ear infection. She's adjusted well to the nebulizer machine. At first she screamed and wiggled, but now she contentedly drifts off to sleep. Today I am thankful for modern medicine.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

4 months old

It was a sunny February day. Now that Hosanna can roll over both front to back and back to front and her belly is doing much better, it was a perfect photo op. She stopped taking her reflux medicine a week ago and is doing fine - praise the Lord!

more 3 month moments

Sometimes when there's work to be done at the desk, Hosanna helps Mommy by sitting close by - um . . . on the desk right in the middle of everything so as not to miss anything.

Hosanna can hold her own chew toys now, which is very helpful.

Micah likes to share his Piglet and Lizzie with Hosanna and puts one on each side of her head, just like he likes to cuddle them. Now to convince him not to do so when she has already fallen fast asleep. . .

Hosanna is starting to show a preference for her Piglet, especially his ears, just like Micah and Elisha. There's just something about that Piglet's ears.