Monday, November 30, 2009

Sixth Week

Thanksgiving Day was quite eventful at our house, as was our celebration with the Mooneys on the Friday after.  Hosanna didn't seem to mind the hub-bub.  She slept quite well.
Hosanna's little buddy Thomas comes to house church at our house.  They are three weeks apart.  Here they are hanging out on the floor, both pretty happy.  She's 7 weeks old!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Fifth Week

This week on Wednesday Hosanna smiled at Daddy. Wednesday night she slept from 11 - 6. Thursday evening she spent time with Oma while Mommy went to work. Also this week, our house mate Jason's family came for dinner, we all had lunch with Melissa and Charleston and Saturday we went to Norah's 1st birthday party. Sunday she turned 6 weeks old.

Hosanna likes Piglet, just not to cuddle while sleeping. Mommy tried hard, but Hosanna just didn't feel like smiling for the camera.

The bear blanket seems to be her favorite still...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fourth Week

This week Hosanna smiled at me! (11/12). She also played on her playmat for the first time and visited the Mall of Georgia with the Vicks. At the mall, she had a complete diaper blow-out. And there wasn't an extra set of clothes in the diaper bag - oops! So Mommy bought Hosanna a new outfit at Old Navy, but not before nursing her in just her diaper and socks and getting lots of "you're a bad mom" looks. Between Charlotte and I, we had 6 kids aged 5 and under - we were a little tired after the trip to the mall!

Hosanna chillin' in her car seat in the double stroller

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Girls' Weekend

Hosanna and Mommy went to a lake house with the house church girls for the weekend and Hosanna showed off her smile to Aunt Gina and Ms. Nichole on Sunday, the day she turned 5 weeks old. Aunt Gina sure was persistant to capture this smile.
Finally a picture of Aunt Gina on Hosanna's blog; it's about time!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Third Week

Daddy left for a conference in LA on Thursday. Hosanna had a visit with a pediatric cardiologist that day, too. She has a heart murmur that should correct itself within her first year. It was fascinating to see her heart on an ultrasound. We spent Friday through Sunday at Nana and Pop's house and most of the weekend was filled with events surrounding Mema Alice's wedding. Hosanna wore her first dress, tights and shoes on Saturday to the wedding; unfortunately I have no pictures of her from that day.
Here she is sleeping with her teddy security blanket that Aunt Di got her. So far, Piglet is not her favorite...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Third Week

On Thursday, the 29th, (18 days old) Hosanna visited Dr. Pham again. She weighed 10 lbs. 7 oz and was 23 inches long. Other highlights of the week included shopping with Mommy and Nana at Discover Mills, time alone with Oma, spending time with McKenna, Jeremiah and Kyla and Halloween. We joined the D.Mooney kids, Nana and Pop for a festival at their church and then walked around Discover Mills a bit. Hosanna slept a lot in her little pumpkin shirt and succeeded at being super cute on her first Halloween at just a day less than 3 weeks old.