Monday, October 26, 2009

Second Week

On Tuesday Hosanna went to the park with Micah, Elisha, Amber, Saji, Jason and I. She enjoyed the sun in the front pack. It was a beautiful day.
Micah and Elisha finally got to hold Hosanna on Thursday (the 22nd). Their runny noses had finally cleared up!
Friday (12 days old) she weighed in at 9 lbs. 12 oz. at the doctor's. Saturday we met Aunt Di at Mimi's Cafe for breakfast. Tanti joined us. Then Aunt Di walked with us at Perimeter Mall. Hosanna took her first stroller ride. Later that evening she joined Mommy and Daddy on a date.
Saturday night the rest of her cord fell off . . . so . . . Sunday (10/25) she took her first bath in the tub. She also made her house church debut that night. What a busy week, little lady!

We've enjoyed your first two weeks and look forward to many more . . .

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Week

Here she is at one week old. We love you, Hosanna!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Six Days Old

The Mooneys had their monthly gathering today. We celebrated Uncle Ben's birthday. Hosanna got some cuddle time with Nana and also slept a seems like her way of dealing with crowds.

First Week Visitors

Our housemates, Amber, Jason and Saji were all home when we arrived from the hospital on Monday night. They took turns holding Hosanna.
Tanti and Uncle Eric came on Tuesday and took Micah and Elisha to the Mall of Georgia to play and have dinner. What a blessing!

Mema Alice, Stacy and Eric all stopped in for a visit that day, too.
The Vicks all came for dinner on Friday to bless us with a meal and great fellowship.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Five Days Old

Hosanna visited Dr. Pham, our pediatrician, today. She's 5 days old, 9 lbs 2.5 oz, and 22 1/4 inches long. The nurse was sweet; here she is measuring Hosanna, who didn't miss much of what she did. It looks like she's healthy and growing well.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Four Days Old

Sweet girl! Sleeping so well in her craddle . . . little hands . . . button nose . . .

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Three Days Old

Micah and Elisha went on an outing with Oma and Opa and Hosanna got some time at home with Mommy and Daddy - just the three of us.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Two Days Old

Hosanna met Micah and Elisha today. They were so excited. They wore their big brother/big sister shirts from Nana so proudly!

Hospital Visitors

Oma was in the delivery room and Opa joined us right after Hosanna was born.

Nana was in the delivery room and Pop joined us right after Hosanna was born. Uncle Derek happened to be in town and stopped by for a short visit.

Charlotte and Uncle Ben came right after house church.

Stacy came later that evening and Nichole came the next morning.

Melissa and Aunt Shane came later on Monday after work, as did Tanti (Aunt Andrea). Iture guess we forgot to take her picture; sorry Tanti!

Monday, October 12, 2009

One Day Old

One day old-
Our little Hosanna is adjusting to her new world. She's had lots of visitors and is nursing well.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Welcome to the Earth

Hosanna Grace Mooney arrived on October 11th, 2009 weighing in at 8 lbs. 15 0z and measuring 22 inches long. She announced her arrival by screaming and screaming. She didn't really settle down until after the second time that she nursed. She also made it very clear that she does not like it when she cannot get her hands into her mouth. Nana Mooney and Oma Schneider, along with her daddy, Britt, assisted during labor and delivery. Pop Mooney and Opa Schneider joined us in the delivery room just after Hosanna arrived.

Micah and Elisha didn't get to meet Hosanna until later that week, as they were not allowed to visit us in the hospital. They enjoyed meeting their little sister. Nana got them big brother/sister shirts, which they wore proudly.